
Results for "ren"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni reindeer.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-gi 1. color; hue; coloring. 2. color, character, quality, tone, complexion. 3. (someone´s) true colors; (someone´s) true nature; (someone´s) true opinions or beliefs. almak (for something) to acquire (a certain) color. i atmak/kaçmak/uçmak 1. (for someone) to go pale. 2. (for something´s color) to fade. ini belli etmek to show one´s true colors. i belli olmamak for one´s true nature, opinions, or beliefs to remain unknown or as yet undisclosed. cümbüşü array of bright colors. i çalmak /a/ (for one color) to verge on (another), have (a specified) cast. renk colorful, multicolored, varicolored. ten renge girmek (for someone) to go all shades of red/purple, flush deeply (from embarrassment). vermek/katmak /a/ to liven up, enliven, add spice and zest to, give a novel touch to. vermemek/ini belli etmemek 1. to keep one´s true thoughts and feelings to oneself, not to show one´s true colors. 2. to act as if one is unaware of something, feign ignorance.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
colorist, artist who excels in the use of color.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
decolorant, bleach.