Results for "BAĞLAN"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /a/ to be tied (to); to be bound (to); to be tied up. 2. (for shoes, shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon) to be tied. 3. (for a wound) to be bandaged, be bound up. 4. (for something) to be tied up in a bundle. 5. /a/ (for a salary, a regular supply of rations) to be assigned to (someone). 6. /a/ (for an individual or a company) to have contracted to (carry out a project); (for a business deal) to be finalized; /a/ (for the terms of a project) to be agreed upon: Proje bugün sözleşmeye bağlandı. The terms of the project were agreed upon today. 7. /a/ to be committed to, be dedicated to (a cause); to be devoted to (someone). 8. /a/ to concern oneself with (something). 9. to end, turn out.
Turkish - German Dictionary


(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
r Zusammenhang, e Verbindung r Anschluss, e Kupplung.
Turkish - Kurdish Dictionary


(Turkish - Kurdish Dictionary) :
1.pêwendî. 2.geh, gehinek.
Turkish - Turkish dictionary


(Turkish - Turkish dictionary) :
İs. iki veya daha çok şeyin birbirleriyle bağlı, ilişik veya ilgili bulunması hali, irtibat, 2. ilişkiyi sağlayan bağ.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. connection, tie, link. 2. mech. coupling, device that serves to connect the ends of adjacent parts or objects. 3. phys. linkage. borusu plumbing soil branch, pipe leading to the soil pipe. çubuğu tie rod (of an automotive vehicle). kurmak /la/ to make contact with, contact, get in touch with. kutusu elec. junction box. yapmak /la/ to make an agreement with, come to an agreement with.