Results for "KAHİR"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-hrı 1. pain and sadness, tribulation, or suffering (accompanied by a rankling sense of injustice): Mazlume´nin sıhhatinin bozulması onun kahrındandır. It´s because of the tribulation he´s caused her that Mazlume´s health has given way. 2. heartsickness. 3. rare coercion, force. 4. rare oppression. ını çekememek /ın/ to be unable to put up with the pain (someone, something) unjustly causes one. ı çekilmez unbearable, insupportable, insufferable. ını çekmek /ın/ to put up with the pain (someone, something) unjustly causes one. ından ölmek /ın/ 1. to die of the pain which (someone, an event) causes one; to die of heartsickness: Adam müebbet hapse çarpıldı; altı ay sonra kadın kahrından öldü. The man got a life sentence, and six months later the woman died of the pain of it. 2. to be very hurt by, be in mental agony; to eat one´s heart out. ına uğramak /ın/ to fall afoul of (someone´s) wrath or malice. yüzünden lütfa uğramak to benefit from something that was meant to harm one.
Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary


(Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary) :
Şerleri ve kötülükleri ortadan kaldırıp yok eden. Haydutları kahreden.
Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary


(Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary) :
Turkish - German Dictionary


(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
Turkish - Kurdish Dictionary


(Turkish - Kurdish Dictionary) :
Qahîre (paytextê Misrê).