Results for "KAK"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
zool. 1. stonechat, chat. 2. whinchat, chat. 3. wheatear.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
zool. macaque.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-kı 1. certain, sure. 2. certainly, undoubtedly.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
acotton thread used in embroidery.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
street. ağzı place where a side street joins a main road, junction. a atmak /ı/ 1. to throw (something) into the street. 2. to turn (someone) out into the street. 3. to spend (money) extravagantly, throw (money) away. a atsan If you sell it at a giveaway price ..../If you give it away .... başı beginning of a street (where it joins another road). a çıkmak to go out (for a walk, to do shopping, etc.). çocuğu street Arab, gamin, urchin. a dökmek /ı/ 1. to spend (money) extravagantly, throw (money) away. 2. to make (an issue) a cause of public demonstrations. a dökülmek to rush out into the street. a düşmek 1. (for a woman) to become a streetwalker, become a prostitute. 2. to become very common and cheap. kadını/kızı streetwalker, hooker. ta kalmak 1. to be left homeless, be left without a place to lay one´s head. 2. to be locked out of one´s house, be unable to get into one´s house. kapısı street door (of a house). süpürgesi woman who´s always gadding about (instead of keeping the home fires burning). a uğramak to rush out into the street.