
Results for "acil"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. being opened, opening. 2. cin. fade-in. 3. bot. dehiscence. 4. sports extended formation.
Turkish - German Dictionary


(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
nicht geöffnet.
Turkish - German Dictionary


(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
sich öffnen, aufgehen; sich aufhellen (Himmel Wetter); hell(er)werden sich offen TMussern; Erleichterung verspüren; sich ausdehnen, sich entfalten; sich vom Ufer entfernen; hinausschwimmen; freiwerden (Posten).
Turkish - Turkish dictionary


(Turkish - Turkish dictionary) :
f. l. Açık hale gelmek, 2. Uzaklaşmak, 3. Ferahlamak, 4. Koyuluğunu yitirmek.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be opened; to open. 2. to come open, open of its own accord. 3. /a/ to open out (as a window) into (a garden). 4. (for darkness, sleep) to vanish. 5. to be cleaned. 6. (for weather) to clear. 7. to clear up, be refreshed; to recover. 8. to relax, be at ease. 9. /a/ to confide (in), share a secret (with). 10. to become more spacious, open up. 11. /a/ to put out (to sea). 12. /dan/ to come up (in conversation). 13. (for a job or post) to open up. 14. to be extravagant, overspend. 15. to dehisce. açılır kapanır collapsible, folding. açılıp saçılmak 1. (for a woman) to start to wear revealing clothes, start to dress immodestly. 2. (for a woman) to become dissolute, get tarty. 3. to spend money lavishly.