
Resultados para "aynı"

Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
calendula; pot marigold, Scotch marigold.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
colloq. 1. exactly as ..., in exactly the same way as .... 2. (repeating something) verbatim, word for word; note for note. 3. (reproducing something) exactly, so that it is exactly like the original, as it is, with no change. 4. (surviving) without having suffered any change, unchanged. 5. (accepting a proposal) exactly as it is, without making any changes. 6. (doing something) exactly as directed.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. law real, of or relating to things instead of people; in rem. 2. (something) given in kind (as opposed to being given in money). 3. (something) which is given as it is, which is given without having been converted into something else. 4. phil. identical. 5. ocular, pertaining to the eye. akit law real contract. borç law real obligation. dava law real action. hak law (a) real right. mesuliyet law real obligation. rasyon mil. rations given in kind. teminat law real security. yardım aid given in kind.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
,-tı 1. movable property, movables, chattels; stock, inventory, goods on hand. 2. office in charge of stock or movable property (in a government agency).
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
,-ti identicalness, identicality; identity.