
Results for "ham"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. Turkish bath, public bath. 2. bathroom. 3. school slang discipline committee. da deli var. colloq. 1. There is a crazy person involved in this. 2. What a lot of noise! gibi very hot (place). a gider kurnaya, düğüne gider zurnaya âşık olur. colloq. 1. He is full of fickle enthusiasms. 2. He keeps falling in love with everybody he meets. a giren terler. proverb A person should be prepared for the unpleasant aspects of whatever he commits himself to. kesesi rough mitt (used for scrubbing the body). nalını suratlı vulg. very ugly (woman). ın namusunu kurtarmak 1. to try to give a semblance of honesty to a questionable situation, try to cover up. 2. to rush to the defense of one´s own organization. takımı the things taken with one to a Turkish bath (soap, towels, clogs, metal bowl, etc.). yapmak to take a bath in the traditional Turkish way.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nı 1. woman who supervises the attendants in a public bath. 2. big, fierce-looking woman. 3. hardhearted mother.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni cockroach.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. proprietor or keeper of a public bath. 2. canonically unclean and in need of a ritual bath.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
the business of running a public bath.