
Results for "laf"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. remark; word. 2. expression, utterance, statement. 3. empty words, hot air, nothing but talk. 4. conversation, talk. 5. the subject of a conversation. 6. What nonsense!/That´s bull! ı ağzında gevelemek to talk around the subject; not to come out with what´s on one´s mind. ı ağzından kaçırmak to let something slip, say something inadvertently, let the cat out of the bag. ı ağzında kalmak to be unable to finish what one was saying; (for someone) suddenly to go silent. altında kalmamak to give as good as one gets (in an argument). ı ağzına tıkamak /ın/ to shut (someone) up. anlamaz 1. thickheaded; stupid. 2. obstinate, muleheaded. anlatmak /a/ to try to bring (someone) round (to one´s own point of view), try to make (someone) understand something. aramızda .... colloq. This is just between you and me./Let´s keep this to ourselves./Entre nous. atmak 1. /a/ to make a rude remark about (someone) within his hearing. 2. /a/ to make an improper innuendo or suggestion to (a woman one doesn´t know), proposition. 3. to have a chat. ını/ ınızı balla kestim. colloq. Excuse me for interrupting you. ını bilmek to think before one opens one´s mouth, be careful about what one says. a boğmak /ı/ to drown (a topic) in a flood of words. ı çevirmek/değiştirmek to change the subject. çıkmak for a rumor to start going around. ı çiğnemek to beat around the bush. a dalmak to become lost in conversation. değil. colloq. It´s serious./This isn´t just idle talk. dinlemek to heed what one is told; to act on someone´s advice. dokundurmak /a/ to make wisecracks (about), make barbed remarks (about). düşmemek /a/ 1. for there to be no need for (someone) to talk. 2. (for someone) not to get a chance to speak. etmek 1. /ı/ to gossip about (something). 2. /la/ to talk (with), chat (with). ını etmek /ın/ to talk about (something). ın gümrüğünü vermek slang to start yakking again; to keep on yakking. işitmek to get a dressing down. kaldıramamak not to be able to take a joke, not to be able to take it. kıtlığında asmalar budayayım. colloq. You´re talking nonsense! körüğü windbag (person). lafı açar. colloq. One topic leads to another. ı mı olur? colloq. Don´t mention it!/It´s a pleasure! (said to someone for whom one has done or wishes to do a favor). ola. colloq. What hogwash!/It´s just so much hot air! olur. colloq. There´ll be gossip./It´ll set tongues wagging. olsun diye (saying something) just to make conversation, merely for the sake of saying it. la peynir gemisi yürümez. proverb Mere talk won´t get anything done. söyledi balkabağı. colloq. You´re full of bull! ını şaşırmak to be at a loss for words. taşımak to retail gossip. a tutmak /ı/ to engage (someone) in conversation (thus causing him to stop what he´d been doing). ı uzatmak to take a long time explaining something. ü güzaf see lafügüzaf. yetiştirmek 1. to reply quickly and in kind, promptly to give as good as one gets. 2. /a/ (for a child) to talk back to, sass (an older person). yok. /a/ colloq. There´s nothing wrong with ....
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. very talkative, garrulous. 2. bragging, braggart, braggadocian (person).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. being very talkative, garrulousness, garrulity. 2. bragging, braggadocio, brag.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. very talkative, garrulous. 2. eloquent, (someone) who speaks with eloquence. 3. gossipy, bigmouthed.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. being very talkative, garrulousness, garrulity. 2. being eloquent, eloquence, eloquentness (of a person). 3. being gossipy, gossipiness, being a bigmouth.