
Results for "omur"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-mrü 1. life, life-span. 2. (someone) who is amusingly odd, entertaining. ünde (used with a negative verb) never in all one´s life. e bedel very valuable, beautiful, or excellent. üne bereket! colloq. 1. Thanks a million! 2. Bravo!/Wonderful! ü billah colloq. 1. up until now. 2. never. boyu 1. lifelong. 2. all one´s life, throughout one´s life. boyu hapis cezası law life sentence. çürütmek to expend or waste a vast amount of time and energy. geçirmek to live, spend one´s life. ü oldukça as long as one lives; for the rest of one´s life. ler olsun! May you live long! (said by an elder person to a younger one when the latter kisses the older person´s hand as a gesture of respect). sürmek to live; to live a life of ease. törpüsü 1. long and exhausting business. 2. very wearisome person. ü uzamak to live long; to last long. ümün varı my darling, light of my life. ü vefa etmemek to die before attaining an end one has had in view.
Turkish - German Dictionary

ömür sürmek

(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
ein angenehmes Leben führen.
Turkish - French Dictionary


(Turkish - French Dictionary) :
épine dorsale
Turkish - French Dictionary


(Turkish - French Dictionary) :
colonne vertébrale
Turkish - German Dictionary


(Turkish - German Dictionary) :
e WirbelsTMule.