
Results for "on"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
ten. /beş para etmez utterly worthless. paralık etmek /ı/ to disgrace; to humiliate. paraya on taklak atar. colloq. He´ll stoop to anything in order to make money, even if it´s only a tiny sum. parmağında on kara. colloq. He has a habit of saying nasty things about people. parmağında on marifet (someone) who is skillful at doing a number of things, who is very versatile. parmağım yakasında. colloq. 1. I swear I´ll make him suffer for this. 2. I´m going to see this business through to the bitter end.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. front; /ın/ front part (of). 2. /ın/ space in front (of). 3. front; foremost; preliminary. 4. the time immediately before one, the immediate future. ünde /ın/ in front of; before, in the presence of. ünden /ın/ a little before. ü alınmak to be nipped in the bud; to be stopped; to be checked. e almak /ı/ to give preference to. ünü almak /ın/ to nip (something) in the bud; to put a stop to; to check. ünü ardını bilmek 1. to be cautious, be prudent. 2. to know how to conduct oneself. ünde ardında dolaşmak /ın/ to follow (someone) everywhere. ünü ardını düşünmemek /ın/ not to think (something) through, not to consider (something) carefully. ünde ardında gidilmez. colloq. He is not someone you can rely on. üne arkasına bakmamak to be very careless, not to think things through. ayak olmak /a/ to be the initiator of (something), get (something) started. üne bak. colloq. Look out!/Take care!/Watch out!/Watch your step! üne bakmak to hang one´s head in shame. üne bir kemik atmak /ın/ to throw (someone) a bone, give (someone) something that´ll keep him from talking. cam auto. windshield. çalışma preliminary study. üne çıkmak /ın/ to appear suddenly in front of (someone); to waylay. üne dikilmek /ın/ to plant oneself squarely in front of (someone). e düşmek to go in front; to lead the way. üne geçmek /ın/ to nip (something) in the bud; to put a stop to; to check. de gelen foremost. üne gelen anyone who comes along, anybody whatsoever. üne geleni kapar, ardına geleni teper. colloq. He´s rude and hostile to everyone he comes into contact with. üne katmak /ı/ 1. to drive (an animal) in front of one. 2. to force (someone) to go before one. ünü kesmek /ın/ to block (someone´s) path; to waylay. ünde perende atamamak /ın/ to be unable to fool (someone). planda gelmek to be the most important thing, be the most urgent thing. ü sıra gitmek /ın/ to go shortly ahead of (someone). e sürmek /ı/ to suggest, propose; to set forth. tekerlek nereye giderse art tekerlek de oraya gider. proverb Children imitate the adults that are around them.
English - Turkish Dictionary

on a level with

(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
1. ile aynı düzeyde. 2. ile aynı hizada.
English - Turkish Dictionary

on a line

(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
aynı hizada, bir sırada.
English - Turkish Dictionary

on a regular basis

(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
düzenli olarak, muntazaman.