
Results for "zevk"

Islamic Glossary


(Islamic Glossary) :
Tasavvufta kalb ile tadarak, yaşayarak kavuşulan haller.Umûr-i zevkiyye, kalbin temizlenmesi ile hâsıl olur. Hadîs-i şerîflerde buyruldu ki: "Çokzikr edenin kalbinde nifâk (münâfıklık) kalmaz.", "Her derdin şifâsı vardır. Kalbin şifâsı,Allahü teâlâyı zikretmektir." (Seyyid Abdülhakîm Arvâsî)
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ki 1. pleasure, delight, enjoyment, fun, delectation. 2. good taste, taste, discrimination. 3. (a) taste, (a) preference, (a) liking. 4. sense of taste, gustation. almak/duymak /dan/ to find pleasure in, take pleasure in, enjoy. ine bakmak to enjoy oneself. ini bozmak /ın/ 1. to spoil (someone´s) pleasure or fun. 2. to prevent someone from enjoying (something) properly. ini çıkarmak /ın/ to enjoy (something) to the full. ten dört köşe olmak to jump for joy, be overjoyed, be very happy. edinmek /ı/ to learn to take pleasure in (something). etmek to enjoy oneself, have fun. ine gitmek /ın/ to give (someone) pleasure. için for fun, for the fun of it. ine mecbur (someone) who´s addicted to pleasure, who is a slave to pleasure. ini okşamak /ın/ to give (someone) pleasure. ine varmak /ın/ to discover the pleasure to be had from (something); to begin to enjoy (something). vermek /a/ to give (someone) pleasure.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /la/ to take pleasure in, find pleasure in. 2. to become pleased, become delighted. 3. /la/ to make fun of, ridicule.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (something) which gives one pleasure or delight, pleasurable, delightfully amusing. 2. (someone) who has good taste, tasteful, discriminating. 3. done in good taste, tasteful.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (something) which gives one no pleasure, boring, tedious, tiresome. 2. (someone) who lacks good taste. 3. not done in good taste, tasteless.